Baseball cap U.S. Army Veteran

Baseball cap U.S. Army Veteran

14.00 €
Délai d'expédition: Entre 5 et 7 jour(s) ouvré(s).
Date de livraison: Estimation en fin de commande.

Présentation du produit

Présentation du produit

Description du produit


Fostex Garments® US Army Vetaran Cap

Baseball cap with the US Army Vetaran Logo Embroidered.
The baseball cap has 3D embroidered text and is adjustable on the backside.
The baseball cap has a perfect fit and is very comfortable.

Fabric: 100% Cotton
Size: One size fits all (adjustable on the back)
EAN Code: 8719298247609

US Army Veteran
US Army Veteran Cap. Premium cap with the American Flag and Veteran text.
Nice cap for the collection or for daily use to honor our veterans.

WEIGHT (GR): 90.00
BRAND: Fostex Garments

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