Baseball cap F22 Raptor US Air Force

Baseball cap F22 Raptor US Air Force

14.00 €
Délai d'expédition: Entre 5 et 7 jour(s) ouvré(s).
Date de livraison: Estimation en fin de commande.

Présentation du produit

Présentation du produit

Description du produit


Fostex Garments® F-22 US Air Force Baseball Cap

Baseball cap of the U.S. Air Force F-22 Raptor Fighter Jet.
The baseball cap has 3D embroidered text and is adjustable on the backside.
The baseball cap has a perfect fit and is very comfortable.

Fabric: 100% Cotton
Size: One size fits all (adjustable on the back)
EAN Code: 8719298247647

F-22 Raptor
The Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor is a very advanced fighter jet with stealth features.
This fighter plane should enable the USAF to maintain air dominance under all circumstances
until the middle of the 21st century.

WEIGHT (GR): 90.00
BRAND: Fostex Garments

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